A community-based school

The elementary school in Ruvumu is a community-based school. The local community and a national non-profit association united with Pierre Kirandage in the construction of the school.

  • The local population brought rubble, sand, planks and prepared the ground.
  • The local church loaned two classrooms pending completion of the school.
  • The non-profit association TWITEZIMBERE (Let’s Mobilize for our Development) offered sheet metal, cement, doors, windows, and benches (desks) for the 6 classes that the school had at the beginning.
  • A teacher, Seth Niyongabo, coordinated this work from start to finish, and is the Foundation’s representative in Burundi. 

A parents’ committee ensures the proper functioning of the school and mobilizes the community when there is need for renovation or construction work.


Most of the teaching staff, including the principal, are either from the Ruvumu village or its surroundings. They know the reality of each child’s family life. This allows the teachers to better follow-up with the child’s family.

Student enrolment

On average, the school has approximately 550 students per year, from grades one to six. Before the expansion of the school, some classes were divided into two sections to accommodate a group of students in the morning and another group in the afternoon.

School supplies

The school supplies per student cost 30 Canadian dollars per year in 2023.