The Foundation Accès-École Pierre Kirandage sincerely thanks all those who participated in its fundraising evening event on October 3, 2019. It was a pleasant event, and the attendees’ participation contributed to the evening’s success.

Thanks to their generous donations we were able to raise $23,000. We far exceeded our goal and we are very grateful to our honorary president, Mr. François Juneau.

The funds will be used for the installation of solar energy high school in Ruvumu, (Burundi). Thanks to people’s generosity, Ruvumu students will now have access to electricity and computers to assist them in their learning.

All funds raised during the Fundraising evening will be entirely allocated to the realization of the above projects that is particularly close to our hearts. 

School Data in 2019

High school: 286 students, 9 teachers, a principal, and an administrative assistant.

Elementary school data: 555 students, 20 teachers, a principal, and an administrative assistant.

Kindergarten class data: 20 students and one teacher.