Installation of solar electricity

IInstallation of solar electricity

Messages to our donors

November 2022,

We are pleased to announce that despite the pandemic, the Foundation Accès-École Pierre Kirandage has continued to help the children of Ruvumu.

Indeed, thanks to the $20,000 donation we received during our fall 2019 Fundraiser evening, we installed solar electricity at the Ruvumu school in the spring of 2021.

The Foundation currently manages four elementary schools and one high school. Starting in 2022, we started to distribute the donations received between the four elementary schools, according to the needs of each.

As such, in 2022, we bought the sheet metal to complete the roof of MUHWANYA elementary school, as well as windows and the desks. These renovations will allow the students at this school to study in a more suitable and healthier environment.

We are thankful to our loyal donors, who allowed us to carry out this project. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Berchmans Nijimbere
President of the Foundation